Motherhood doesn't have to be limiting or exhausting. It can be a path of empowerment and awakening to who you really are.
That's what I'm here for. To guide you on this path.
I believe you can find freedom and authenticity through authentic motherhood through your inner work.
About Me
I freed myself and became empowered through this journey of motherhood.
Through that experience, I have mastered the conexion between reason and intuition. And I help you do the same.
With a degree in communications and business administration, I worked for 20 years as a marketing executive in multinational companies in Brazil, Austria and Germany.
I have always been interested in human development and relationship building.
When I became a mother in 2016, I began to study hard and apply everything I learned - neuroscience, astrology, respectful education, anthroposophy, non-violent communication. As a result, I saw my family life and my relationships transform. I began to have a much lighter motherhood.
At 37 years old, in the midst of a crisis of authenticity (6th seven-year period), I began to study astrology to find myself.
From there I studied archetypes, Jungian psychology, alchemy, and the sacred feminine.
The result was the decision to change careers and follow my life's mission.
Today I guide parents and women to connect their racional and intuitive habilities to parent, work and live better.
Certification in Jungian Coaching by Certified Excelence accredited by CMA, IPHM and IAOTH - 2024
Training in Anthroposophical Social Pedagogy by Centro Cáliz España - 2024
Graduated in Family Relations and Parental Education by Amparo Group Brazil - 2023
Certification in Psychological Astrology by Brazilian Association of Holistic Therapists (ABRATH) - 2023
Certification in Holistic Therapy by Brazilian Association of Holistic Therapists (ABRATH) - 2023
Specialization in Brand Management from Universidade Positivo Brasil - 2015
Diploma in Business Management from FAE Centro Universitário Brazil and Fachhochschule Münster - Germany 2006
Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication - Universidade Federal do Paraná Brazil - 2003