“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, but it is also a source of deep spirituality.”
C. Sagan
Experience the transformations that can happen by combining neuroscience and spiritual knowledge.
"Just as vision is inseparable from our spiritual intelligence, our ability to deal with ambiguity, uncertainty and complexity is directly connected to our emotional intelligence."
Danah Zohar
For Companies
Leadership Development
Leadership Development
Leadership Development through the Wisdom of Archetypes
Goal: to develop strategic and empathetic leadership through knowledge and understanding of the different archetypal dynamics.
Methodology: lecture with group work using Jungian coaching tools
Topics covered:
What are archetypes
Main archetypes in the workplace: how to motivate, how to resolve conflicts and how to communicate more assertively
Solving Problems - team management strategies based on the wisdom of archetypes
Transformation - bringing the best of each archetype to work
Breaking stereotypes: Unlock your potential for success
Objective: to combine neuroscience and knowledge of female cycles to break the survival cycle and activate the creativity and productivity of your teams.
Methodology: lecture with suggested activities.
Topics covered:
Modes in which the brain functions
Psychoneuroimmunology and its impacts on productivity
Female cycles and women's productivity
Strategies to enhance strengths and minimize impacts
For Schools
Focused on Child Development
Ages 0 to 7 years old: the world is good
Ages 7 to 14 years old: the fall of paradise
Adolescence - challenges of your relationship with the world
Focused on Parenting
Respectful Education and Child Development
The Midlife Crisis and Women
Feminine and Masculine - the path to integration
On Child Development
Ages 0 - 7 anos:
the world is good
Goal: Get to know this stage of development in depth to better guide your child.
Topics covered:
Integrative child development
And how is the brain?
Main milestones
Clear limits and reducing tantrums
Strategies for dealing with typical age-related challenges
Ages 7-14:
Fall of Paradise
Goal: understanding the challenges of the pre-adolescent phase and the Rubicon crisis
Topics covered:
Integrative child development
Rubicon crisis and its impacts
Strategies for dealing with challenges and strengthening the connection with your child
Goal: understand the challenges and specific needs of adolescence and know how to support young people during this phase.
Topics covered:
Affirmation of the self and the counterpoint to the whole
The world of the teenager
Strategies for dealing with challenges
How to connect with your child
Adolescence - challenges in your relationship with the world
On Parenting
Goal: Overview of integrative child development to understand how we can be more respectful of our children.
Topics covered:
Parenting styles
Boundaries: how to achieve firmness and kindness
Breaking paradigms - taking care of yourself to take care of others
Respectful Parenting and Child Development
Goal: understand the 40-year phase based on the study of human biography and the archetypal development of women and their different phases of the menstrual cycle.
Topics covered:
Phase of development of the biography
40-year crisis
How to use the power of your cycle to your advantage
Menopause - a new vision
Midlife crisis and women
Feminine and Masculine - the path to integration
Goal:bring a new perspective on the feminine and masculine within us so that we can act towards balance and harmony.
Topics covered:
Feminine and Masculine as archetypal forces within us
Challenges and strengths
The path to Integration
About Me
I freed myself and became empowered through this journey of motherhood.
Through that experience, I have mastered the conexion between reason and intuition. And I help you do the same.
With a degree in communications and business administration, I worked for 20 years as a marketing executive in multinational companies in Brazil, Austria and Germany.
And I have always been interested in human development and relationship building.
When I became a mother in 2016, I began to study hard and apply everything I learned - neuroscience, respectful education, anthroposophy, non-violent communication. As a result, I saw my family life and my relationships transform. I began to have a much lighter motherhood.
At 37 years old, in the midst of a crisis of authenticity (6th seven-year period), I began to study astrology to find myself.
From there I studied archetypes, Jungian psychology, alchemy, and the sacred feminine.
The result was the decision to change careers and follow my life's mission.
Today I guide parents and women to connect their racional and intuitive habilities to parent, work and live better.
Certification in Jungian Coaching by Certified Excelence accredited by CMA, IPHM and IAOTH - 2024
Training in Anthroposophical Social Pedagogy by Centro Cáliz España - to be concluded in Dec/24
Graduated in Family Relations and Parental Education by Amparo Group Brazil - 2023
Certification in Psychological Astrology by Brazilian Association of Holistic Therapists (ABRATH) - 2023
Certification in Holistic Therapy by Brazilian Association of Holistic Therapists (ABRATH) - 2023
Specialization in Brand Management from Universidade Positivo Brasil - 2015
Diploma in Business Management from FAE Centro Universitário Brazil and Fachhochschule Münster - Germany 2006
Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication - Universidade Federal do Paraná Brazil - 2003